Everything you Need to Know about Custom Printed Boxes


Custom printed boxes are the new sales copy for the product seller. Custom boxes are boxes used for the packaging of various products. They are designed and printed with the brands’ unique specifications and goals to attract the right consumer they need.

While regular stock boxes might come in specific shapes and sizes to fit all, custom printed boxes allow you to think freely and be creative with the content your brand puts out there concerning their product.

Every product owner wants their product to be unique. They want to leave an impression in the market and so the first language everyone would understand would be their custom box. Custom being customized is the unique way they sell their product in their printed boxes.

While quality products would maintain a customer long-term, custom packaging will do the job of turning the head of anyone seeing your product for the first time. For the lovers of aesthetics, custom printed packaging is done right, there might not be any need to spend too much time trying to convince them as some people can even buy things they don’t need because they look beautiful!

What Materials Are Right?

In using custom printed boxes, while the aesthetics may seem like the focus, the materials in which these boxes are made cannot be neglected. You want a box that serves the purpose of storing, packaging, and displaying as well. There are various materials these custom boxes can be made of. Here are some of them;

  • Corrugated boxes: Corrugated boxes are boxes made up of paper materials in layers of at least three. They are used for relatively heavy materials that need support. The extra layers make it less prone to damage but are not resistant to harsh weather.
  • Paperboard boxes: They are made out of paper and can be easily manufactured. They come in various colors and can be easily manipulated to fit your design test. While they are eco-friendly and affordable they are not water-resistant so may not last.
  • Kraft boxes: These boxes are the perfect match for wholesale boxes due to their cost-effectiveness and resistance against damage. They are also safe to be used as food boxes.
  • Cardboard boxes: Cardboard materials are relatively strong. They cannot be used for extremely heavy products but can be reused.

Factors to Consider

Before choosing a custom printed box, there are a few things you might want to consider such as;

  • The product your custom boxes are to carry.
  • Design colors or patterns of your brand
  • Target audience and what might appeal to them.
  • Season or environmental factors, etc.

Final Thoughts                                           

While custom packaging boxes may have various disadvantages, the importance of this marketing strategy cannot be overemphasized. It has proven to work in many ways and it continues to be a strategy that both the brand and the audience can relate to.

With the right elements, and utilizing the right resources, custom printed boxes will do the magic of introduction. Your job will almost be drastically reduced to maintaining your gained customers.

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